Project Adjust 1-5

Choreography and Film Sarah Lisette Chiesa

Music by Ben Ludovalkus and Phil Moffa

Photo by Steven Disenhof

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Lines BFA 24’


solo created as a Safehouse Raw resident artist

SAFEhouse Arts RAW Residency, San Francisco CA

September 2022

Antonomy’s REsonance

Created and Performed by Erik Wagner and Sarah Lisette Chiesa

In a relationship how do we create boundaries and continue to grow together?

SAFEhouse Arts RAW Residency, San Francisco CA

May 2022


We live in a world where our friends are on screens and our human interactions are through apps, if and when we are not interested anymore we just erase them. In the workplace we are replaceable and in our relationships too.

Concept Sarah Lisette chiesa

Performers Erik Wagner and Sarah Lisette Chiesa

SAFEhouse Arts RAW Residency, San Francisco CA

May 2022

Solo Heart for Prepared Piano

Wooden Heart, Gelatin Heart, and Plaster Heart

In collaboration with musician Paul Moore

University of Washington, Seattle 2020


“The body is to be compared, not to a physical object but rather to a work of art.” -Maurice Merleau Ponty This incorporates three worlds for which moments like memories are re created, yet never happen the same way.

Dancers Natalie Fernandi, Kelly Langsley, and Zhang Zhongxian.

Costume and Set by Sarah Lisette Chiesa,

Lighting Design by Peter Braciliano,

Music by Daniel Faure, Requiem, Op48 Pie Jesu, David Lang Amjad Sleeping Panorama, and Kurt Weill, Three Penny Opera, performed by Lotta Lenya.

Meany Center for Performing Arts University of Washington 2019


Based on the Film by Werner Herzog “Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World” a documentary created in 2016. This film examines the past, present and future of the Internet and how it affects human interaction and modern society. The students created gestural duets based on their use and abuse of technology in as a digital generation.

Music Max Richter, Dimitri Shostakovich, NASA sounds of Saturns Rings

Performed by the Students of Cosi/Stefanescu Scuola NBC

 Teatro Ariosto Reggio Emilia, Italy

June 10, 2017




The Cycle

Work in progress about the cycle of life, death, life.  Inspired by my dying grandmother asking me as I pushed her around the hallway of the hospice, “What are we all waiting for?”

Music Alberto Benati and Dimitri Rufolo 

Dancers Angelica Fossemo, Eleonora Violini, and Sarah Lisette Chiesa

Teatro San Prospero Reggio Emilia, Italy 2016


This solo is about being some one vs being no one internally and externally in society. It is a development of exploring two different movement qualities that involve defining and re-defining personal image. The movement is drawn from taking moist clay and imprinting body parts into the clay, sensing the effort to penetrate the clay and the effort to come out of it and walk away. 

Music: Lischtz Liebestraume #3, Phil Phillips

Cultural Center De la Flroida , Santiago Chile 2015

(This solo was created in collaboration with French Artist Lea Thomen for a one-week workshop of movement and concept ideas in Reggio Emilia) 


This work is based on the concept of Lucid dreaming, for which i created two dreamlike pieces happening at the same time. Using film projections, theatrical imagery, large plastic tarp, and an inflatable raft, I transformed a theater into a tank filled with water.  I projected moving images, from POV(point of view) perspective, of surfaces of bodies of water, exemplifying the place between the conscious and the subconscious.   

Choreography: Sarah Lisette Chiesa  

Dancers: Students of Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance

Austria May 15, 2014


This work is based around the idea that in life, people are constantly traveling to new unknown places, for work and for pleasure.  Along our journey we collect many things and people.  We put them all so to speak inside our giant bag, our body, our minds, and take them with us as we travel to the next destination. 

"The beauty of  the unpredictability within inevitability."

Choreography: Sarah Lisette Chiesa

Dancers: Students of SEAD

Music: Steve Reich Piano Phase Austria

Republic Theater 2013-2014